Meat Cooking
We offer bespoke industrial cooking equipment carefully designed by people who understand the cooking process and can incorporate this knowledge in a cooking system.
Specialist equipment that does not just add heat to a process, it incorporates automatic agitation, mixing, discharge etc. These advantages enable you to produce consistent results.
Hanrow enables you to cook consistently and enables you to reduce labour and energy costs.
Our range of industrial cooking equipment is supplied in conjunction with specialist manufacturers and we have split this into four cooking styles
These machines are perfect for cooking Pasta, Rice, Noodles, and Vegetables. System incorporate many benefits to achieve highly consistent results; automatic agitation to prevent product sticking, automatic basket lift for removing and draining when the cooking cycle is completed.
These machines can be supplied with automatic quenching tanks to stop the cooking process continuing.
Tilting boiling kettles 150, 300 & 500 litre capacities available, batch cooking vessels with inbuilt agitation.
These units can be built to suit a specific need but all units are designed to give the following benefits - Consistent high productivity - Consistent quality and appearance of the end product - High labour savings - Easy maintenance and cleaning - Reduced energy costs - Safety, hygiene, reliability and ease of operation all designed into the range.
Batch and continuous fryers built to suit your specific needs, all are designed with safety, hygiene, reliability and ease of operation in mind.