The RG-350 is one of HALLDE's most efficient vegetable preparation machines.
It is capable of processing up to 1200 portions per day, 30 kg per minute with feed hopper and 12 kg per minute with manual feeder.
In the UK and Ireland we have supplied them to many processing factories where they are in constant use.
The manual feeder is equipped with HALLDE Power Link which gives you a leverage effect from the pusher plate and results in almost 50 percent less manual power.
For a better working posture, the pusher plate has a looped designed handle, HALLDE ErgoLoop, which means you can work with both your left and right hands.
The leaning design means that the feed cylinder is always positioned at the right angle – the machine is easy to fill up and the larger 215 mm cutting tools enables large volumes to be processed.
The machine has smooth surfaces, rounded edges and has no unnecessary recesses where food might penetrate and get stuck.
For quick cleaning all the parts simple to remove.